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 Contributing Writer

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Many thanks to Inc.com, Huffington Post Canada, American Express OPEN Forum, & Daily Zen for hosting me as a contributing writer.

Do you have a pressing presentation or communication question that I haven’t answered? Let me know.



What a terrific conversation with Camita Nutall. She is an entrepreneur that is on fire. We talked about how to leverage public speaking to grow your business and rocket your career trajectory and a lot more…read more>


In my interview with Janice Porter form Relationships Rule we talk  about my approach to public speaking and shares lots of tips about what it takes to engage your audience and captivate them from the stage…read more>


Inc.com & Inc.com S.E. Asia: Want to Be Impressive at the Podium? Watch These 3 TED Talks Now (July 31, 2016)

Both new and seasoned presenters have an unprecedented opportunity to learn what influences their audiences…read more>


Inc.com: Why I’ve Decided to Ignore the Gospel of Steve Jobs and Elon Musk (July 27, 2016)

Legendary entrepreneurs are brilliant at driving their own vision. They’re just not good at driving yours or mine…read more>


Inc.com: Received 28,500+ page views The One TED Talk that Holds the Key to Public Speaking Genius (July 20, 2016)

As an executive speaker coach, I’m often asked: How can I be charismatic? How do I connect and engage an audience like other elite presenters? Or, I want to have the impact of a TED Talk presenter. Can you show me how?

A TED Talk I often share with my presenters is Frank Warren’s Half A Million Secrets. Along with Sir Ken Robinson and Brené Brown, the secret to Frank’s ability to draw in his audience is his charisma…read more>


Inc.com: Time for More Women: All-Male Boards Cost Businesses $655 Billion a Year (July 13, 2016)

Propping a male dominated wedge up against the boardroom door costs us billions…read more>


Inc.com: One Thing You Need to Do to Be a Crack Communicator  (June 30, 2016)

Listening sounds easy, doesn’t it?

Although it’s critical to business success, it’s actually the attribute that’s often weak or the missing link.

We can be curious and complex creatures who although we hire the best and brightest, often don’t listen to their point of view.

Because ‘really’ listening is hardread more >


Inc.com: 3 Confidence Hacks for Motivational Leaders (June 23, 2016)

No matter your level of success, sometimes confidence is elusive. Here’s how to ditch self-limiting beliefs…read more >


Inc.com: Public Speaking Myths to Stop Believing Right Now (June 14, 2016)

Your audience is savvy. Be warned–don’t fall into the trap of the usual “public speaking” tips and tricks…read more >
Huffington Post Canada: 3 Ways To Handle Hecklers That I Wish I’d Known Sooner (June 3, 2016)

I can still feel the knots in my stomach when I remember back to my first presentations. I’d sweat about the damage a heckler could do by sidetracking me. I also worried that my credibility would be damaged if I gave away control.

Do you know what your audience is thinking when your presentation gets highjacked by a heckler? “Please manage that person and let’s get on with it” is usually what’s going through their minds.

Hecklers are one of a presenter’s worst nightmare…read more >


Huffington Post Canada: The Reasons You’re Afraid Of Giving That Speech (Aren’t What You Think) (April 14, 2016)

One of my students eloquently spoke about how this uncomfortable feeling of learning new concepts, ones we perceive as out of our reach, are similar to what a lobster experiences while it gains size and stature. As the soft meat of the lobster grows, it feels the tension and discomfort of confined quarters. Growth then causes a new, soft shell to form and the old inflexible container is shed…read more >


American Express OPEN Forum: 3 Steps to Getting Presentation Feedback…That’s Actually Helpful (March 30, 2016)

Criticism can be hard to take, but it can also make you better. These three tips can help you get — and accept — feedback on your presentation so that you can continue to grow as a presenter…read more>


Huffington Post Canada: Memorizing Your Next Presentation Can Sabotage Your Efforts (March 1st, 2016)

Have you noticed the difference between a presenter who has memorized their presentation word for word and one who riffs off key points?

There is a big difference. In fact, it’s obvious. The first sounds like the speaker is reading from a script and the delivery is stilted — a little too slick. The latter sounds confident, relaxed and strangely more in control than the presenter who has memorized their script verbatim…read more >


Daily Zen: Three Signs Your Values Don’t Fit Your Work Life (Feb 28, 2016)

“It’s not hard to make decisions when you know what your values are.”
― Roy Disney

Respectfully, I disagree with Mr. Disney. Every day we are challenged to make value-based decisions with many facets to consider around this issue. Often we need to take family, friends, or colleagues into consideration and sometimes our values aren’t in the best interest of the bigger picture. Ultimately, we struggle with the values we have come to terms with.

Will that line in the sand serve the greater good? Or when we serve the greater good, does it serve us? It’s complicated, isn’t it?…read more >


Huffington Post Canada: 5 Tips For Dealing With Public Speaking Nerves Before They Hit (Jan 29, 2016)

Presentation anxiety is an evil nemesis if left untamed, and one that even the most seasoned speakers are not immune to. If you’re freaked out with nerves you won’t be able to remember the speech you’ve invested many hours creating, engage the people you want to connect with or influence people who you’d like to persuade…read more >


Be bold. Get heard. Inspire action.


Give the keynote. Without the nerves.

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