Speech coaching for leaders to
communicate with compassion,
competence, and confidence.

Your words can inspire action.
Let me show you how.

People with enviable public speaking & communication skills?

The kind that makes you forget where you are because you’re so caught up in what they’re saying?

They probably have a speech coach.

No one is born an expert communicator.

The ability to connect, persuade and inspire aren’t innate skills everyone has.

But, they can be learned.

Communication, like any other skill, is something you can (and will, if I have anything to say about it) get better at.

With structure, strategy, and the right guidance, you can become a magnetic communicator: the kind people sit up straight and put their phones away to listen to.

Hello, I’m Janice

Whether you’re the founder of a startup, or a C-suite executive managing multi-million dollar budgets, your ability to inspire confidence and change are imperative to your success.

For over a decade, I’ve worked with clients in industries ranging from AI to gaming, to law and academia, helping them find their voice and their confidence.

Through our work, we dismantle any self-doubt and limiting beliefs holding you back, and when we do, there’s a world filled with opportunities and possibilities open to you.

My goal is to help you see them.

“For anybody who has read an article or correspondence from a senior colleague or business leader and said to themselves, “I wish I could communicate like that, but it’s just not in my DNA”, my response would be, “Yes it is. Go see Janice”.”

Tim Oakley
Director of Procurement

How can I help?

Have to nail your next presentation, keynote, or interview?

Need quick feedback, insight, and an experienced pair of eyes on a specific communication issue/project? 

Want to become a skilled communicator who can connect, persuade, and inspire?

Wondering if I’m the right fit for your goals?

Book a no-strings-attached discovery call now.

“Today, I go into calls feeling confident, assertive, and ready to show up as an expert.”

“Janice made me aware of subconscious speaking habits that were impacting my first impression on clients, like diminishing my own achievements or punctuating my sentences with apologies. Today, I go into calls feeling confident, assertive, and ready to show up as an expert. If you’re looking to get your ego stroked, Janice probably isn’t a good fit for you. But if you’re willing to dig deep into what’s working and what’s not working in your speaking style, the results you can achieve are incredible.

Eman Zabi Founder & Owner, The Scribesmith

Here’s How We’ll Work Together to
Unlock the Master Public Speaker Within You

Step 1. The Deep Dive

We start the process with a deep dive. We’ll discuss everything from your current public speaking and communication challenges, to your career goals, to the message you want to share with the world.

Step 2. Understanding Your Communication Style

If you have recorded examples of you speaking—such as delivering a keynote, being interviewed on a podcast, or participating in a panel—I’ll review them to see what’s working and what isn’t. If not, we’ll use our deep dive as the foundation.

Step 3. Charting the Path Forward

Once I have a good sense of where you are and where you want to get to, I custom-build a public speaking training program tailored around your needs so you can become the communicator you aspire to be.

Unlike most programs, this isn’t a set-in-stone curriculum. As your goals and needs evolve, so will your program. It’s designed to be fluid and flexible with impact that compounds over time.

It’s your time to be heard and be remembered.

Here’s how we’ll work together to
unlock the Master Communicator within you

Step 1

The Deep Dive

We start the process with a deep dive. It’s important that we’re the right fit for one another. We’ll discuss everything from your current communication challenges, to your career goals, and the message you want to share with the world.

Step 2

Understanding Your Communication Style

If you have past examples of your communication, I’ll take a deeper dive to see what’s working and what isn’t. If not, we’ll go off what we learnt in our first session. 

Step 3

Charting the Path Forward

Once I have a good sense of where you are and where you want to get to, I custom-build a program tailored around your needs focused on turning you into the kind of communicator you aspire to be. Unlike most programs, this isn’t a set-in-stone curriculum, as your goals and needs evolve, so will our program. It’s designed to be fluid, flexible with impact that compounds over time. 

It’s your time to be heard and be remembered.

“Janice not only helped me gain confidence and build a succinct and persuasive message through my presentations, but she also helped me bring awareness to my diction and the subtle yet powerful influence it has on my everyday language.”

“I reached out to Janice as I was looking for one-on-one coaching to strengthen my public speaking skills as well as coaching to enhance my executive presence in the workplace. I interviewed a number of other coaches during my search and I was immediately impressed by Janice’s professionalism and clear interest to understand and customize her coaching to fit her clients. Janice spent the time to get to know me, understand my career goals, and was able to adapt and customize our coaching sessions to maximize the benefit to me. I felt she genuinely cared about my success and was flexible with my busy work schedule. I found her style encouraging and considerate, but also thought-provoking and inspiring. Janice not only helped me gain confidence and build a succinct and persuasive message through my presentations, but she also helped me bring awareness to my diction and the subtle yet powerful influence it has on my everyday language. I am very happy to have found Janice and would recommend her to anyone looking for similar coaching.”

Samantha Fan
Senior Manager, Assurance Services at BDO Canada LLP

The Trade Secrets of Master Communicators

You won’t find this insight on Google!

My newsletter is filled with the nuggets I’ve learned through decades of experience, designed to help you improve how you deliver your communication and how it lands. This isn’t the pedestrian fluff you’ll find on Google, this is real research, and fascinating insights from me and other leading communications experts.

I never send out a newsletter just for the sake of sending something out. You’ll only hear from me when I have something important to say or share. Think of it as a delightful surprise when it arrives.


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