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Many thanks to Inc.com, Huffington Post Canada, American Express OPEN Forum, & Daily Zen for hosting me as a contributing writer and Roundhouse Radio & Charity Village for inviting me to contribute to the conversation. 

Do you have a pressing presentation or communication question that I haven’t answered? Let me know.



3 Ways To Handle Hecklers That I Wish I’d Known Sooner

Huffington Post Canada: I can still feel the knots in my stomach when I remember back to my first presentations. I’d sweat about the damage a heckler could do by sidetracking me. I also worried … read more

The Reasons You’re Afraid Of Giving That Speech (Aren’t What You Think)

  Huffington Post Canada:   One of my students eloquently spoke about how this uncomfortable feeling of learning new concepts, ones we perceive as out of our reach, are similar to what a lobster experiences while … read more

3 Steps to Getting Presentation Feedback…That’s Actually Helpful

  American Express OPEN Forum:  Presentation critique can be hard to take, but it can also make you better. These three tips can help you get — and accept — feedback on your presentation so … read more

Memorizing Your Next Presentation Can Sabotage Your Efforts

  Huffington Post Canada:  Have you noticed the difference between a presenter who has memorized their presentation word for word and one who riffs off key points? There is a big difference. In fact, it’s … read more

5 Tips For Dealing With Public Speaking Nerves Before They Hit

  Huffington Post Canada:  Public speaking nerves and anxiety are an evil nemesis if left untamed, and one that even the most seasoned speakers are not immune to. If you’re freaked out with nerves you … read more

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