They asked you to give the

But now, as the thrill of being chosen starts to fade, your nerves start to grow.

The question, “What am I going to say?” is keeping you up at night.

It’s true—the stakes are higher when you’re giving a big, important presentation like a keynote, a TED Talk or a presentation to the board.

For these kinds of speaking opportunities, you don’t just want your audience to listen. You want them to be moved.

You want to inspire them to think differently. So they act differently. Because of what you said.

You want to knock it out of the park.

Let me reassure you—
Every inspiring speech or presentation started right where you are now.

With excitement
mixed with a little fear
and a blank page.

Trusted by

You were invited to speak.

Let’s make every word count.

Janice Tomich, Public Speaking Coach

Your success as a leader depends on your ability to speak clearly and confidently in any situation—including from the stage.

For more than a decade, I’ve guided over a thousand professionals to plan and deliver high-stakes, high-impact presentations and speeches.

I can help you find your voice, refine your ideas, and give the type of speech you’ve always wanted to give:

One that delivers an authentic message that only you could say

One that’s radically focused on your audience, on what you can give them

One that’s remembered. For years.

Great Speeches Start with Great Ideas.

It’s OK if you haven’t had your “aha!” moment yet.

Working with a speaker coach means having a thought partner so you don’t have to plan your speech alone.

My public speaking coaching package is a start-to-finish, guided approach to creating and delivering the best speech or presentation of your career.

Here are the stages I’ll walk you through—


Almost everyone struggles with things like imposter syndrome, lack of confidence, and public speaking anxiety. Throughout our engagement I’ll help you identify your blocks so you can get past them, using proven, evidence-based strategies to help you manage your nerves.


Together in the ideation stage we will brainstorm possible speech topics, pulling from your life experience to find that golden thread—the big idea that’s uniquely yours and that your audience wants to hear.

“She hears what I have to say—my core message that’s coming from inside me. And then she’s able to help me refine that in words.”
– Jeeti Pooni


The title, the words, the story, the flow. I’ll be available for you—right there in your Google Doc—collaborating with you as you plan, outline, and write your speech.

Not like a speechwriter doing it for you. Like a coach and consultant doing it with you.

“I had a sense of what I wanted to present but Janice truly assisted me in getting my thoughts organised and asked all the right questions around the kind of message I wanted to deliver to my audience.”
– Sucheta Misra


Once we’ve completed the first draft we’ll sculpt it into its polished, final form. I’ll help you identify and fix anything that feels clunky, is confusing, or distracts from your message.

This phase ensures every section of your speech is purposeful, memorable, and connects you with your audience.

“Janice was exceptionally organized and fully present, and as a result, her online support far exceeded any training I’d previously received.”
– Tara Cookson


Maybe you need slides, maybe you don’t. (I can help you decide.)

If you will be using slides, I’ll guide you in creating a professional, impactful slide deck.


Practicing your speech with me is an iterative process. I’ll have you record audio, video, and live practices over a period of two to three weeks. You’ll get my gentle, constructive feedback after each one so that none of your practice time is wasted.


Finally, you’ll get to walk on stage, feeling confident you’re about to deliver the best speech of your life. I’ll be there—virtually or in-person—cheering you on.


After your speech, we’ll debrief the whole experience so that next time you’re asked to give a big speech like this, you’ll confidently say “yes.”
All-inclusive, all-in public speaking coaching

Not just weekly coaching sessions.
Call on me anytime you’re stuck.

Other public speaking coaches have different packages depending on how many presentation coaching sessions you’re allowed to have with them.

That’s not my style. I only have one public speaking coaching package—an all-inclusive one.

I take on a very limited number of clients at a time because my promise to you is that I’ll be available when you need my help.

During the six to eight weeks leading up to your presentation, we’ll meet weekly to keep you on track and move you through the phases of developing and delivering a successful presentation.

But in between meetings—when you’re heads-down, doing the work of preparing your speech—I’ll be as invested in your speech as you are.

Call on me when you need me.

“She was readily available with her time, flexible and adapted her approach to my needs.”

Cynthia Donahue
Human Resource Leader & Advisor

“Janice was exceptionally organized and fully present, and as a result, her online support far exceeded any training I’d previously received.”

Tara Cookson

Gender Equality & Social Policy Specialist,
Seattle Women’s Commission

Not just keynotes

Presentation coaching for any speech that matters

TED Talks

Keynote speeches

Plenary speeches

Board presentations


Investor pitches

Commencement addresses

Motivational speeches

Conference presentations

In-house presentations

Client presentations

Virtual speeches

TED Talks

Keynote speeches

Plenary speeches

Board presentations


Investor pitches

Commencement addresses

Motivational speeches

Conference presentations

In-house presentations

Client presentations

Virtual speeches


"The Speech Went Amazingly"

“I delivered a presentation to an audience of two-hundred people that I actually enjoyed giving, and I received rave reviews from the audience! Janice did exactly what she said.”

– David Getzlaf,
Strategy Manager, Autonomy & Positioning, Hexagon

“The speech went amazingly. I had great feedback from a lot of the participants. I had a few attendees ask me to be their mentors, some said it should become an international talk, and others asked if I am creating a course they could take. The common response I got was that I was so passionate, it showed and that the presentation was very engaging. This only happened because of the way you worked with me Janice.” – Jacob Simonini, Owner/Osteopathic Manual Practitioner MOMSc

“I started an engagement with Janice, to develop a powerful keynote speech. She gave me the words and the practice to hold my own and I learned how to speak up for myself in a powerful, persuasive way that was still true to who I am.

It’s a rare opportunity to work with someone who can help you measurably level up your abilities and performance.
Janice was a critical catalyst for some long overdue mindset shifts that had kept me from becoming the top performer I know I am capable of being.”

– Margarita Quihuis,
ESG Advisor, ED: Peace Innovation Institute, The Hague Peace Innovation Lab Stanford

“Janice not only taught me about the mechanics of using my voice properly, but she also helped me think through what I wanted to say and how I wanted people to hear it.

Janice’s listening ear, her advice, and her wisdom gave me the confidence I needed to engage and inspire my congregation during my most important sermons of the year.”

– Jason Bonder

“I hired Janice to help me with my first keynote presentation. I’m a comfortable public speaker, but I wanted help taking it to a higher level.

Janice was well worth the investment of time and money.
From finding the right shape for the presentation to selecting anecdotes to watching multiple recordings (!) and providing feedback, Janice was there every step of the way.

She has the rare gift of making you feel completely safe and supported while providing challenging and constructive feedback.
I achieved my goal of delivering an excellent and well-received keynote, but more importantly, I learned much that will help me in future endeavors.

Hire Janice. You won’t regret it.”

– Karen Chopra,
LPC, CCC, NCC, Founder, Chopra Careers

“I have been delivering presentations for years but rather than looking forward to the experience, I would be anxious for days or weeks before. I no longer am with the support of Janice.

In a few sessions, she changed my perception towards presenting. In addition to her communication expertise, she can get right to the root of your presentation challenges. We also worked on messaging, breath work and relaxation techniques. She is the most encouraging and thoughtful communication coach.”

– Angela Ferarro,
Managing Director, International Education, Burnaby School District

“Janice has a knack for bringing out the best in speakers. She provides insightful and gentle critique, and helps her subjects make the most of their presentations. She’s in your corner, giving you the guidance and direction you need without trying to shape or mould your flow. It was delightful moving through the process of creating my first TedX talk, for @TEDX KidsBC.”

– Devon Brooks,
Speaker and Trainer

Give a Speech that Everyone Remembers

When you sign up for presentation coaching with me, you get:

Private, personalized 60-minute coaching sessions every week to guide you through the collaborative process of planning, writing, and delivering a truly compelling speech

Unlimited access to me in between sessions—call on me for help when you’re stuck, or stressed, or need a brainstorming partner

Practical, evidence-based anxiety management techniques so that you can take the stage without the nerves

Unlimited practice session reviews with constructive, targeted feedback after each one so that your speech keeps getting better and better with every practice

Confidence that when your presentation day comes, you’ll walk proudly onto that stage and know exactly what to say and how to say it

Your investment in your speech is $2999 USD

woman using microphone to amplify her voice


Most presentations can be developed within a six to eight week stretch. If your presentation is more complex, or if you’re new to delivering presentations, you may need more time.

If you have less than two or three weeks before your presentation date, it’s still not too late. I have a different public speaking coaching package called “Crunch Time” which is an accelerated version of this package if you have one or two weeks left.

This package is appropriate for any type of speech or presentation where the results matter. I’ve had people hire me for a wide variety of speeches for small audiences and large audiences, including keynotes, TED Talks, plenary addresses, sermons, “State of the X” addresses, commencement addresses, presentations to the board, investment pitches, and sales pitches.

Yes, of course. I have ample experience working with speakers with mild to severe public speaking anxiety. I will teach you evidence-based, proven techniques to help you manage your nerves effectively.

I tailor my package to the specifics of the speech you’re giving. If you’re delivering virtually, I’ll work with you to help you master that format by working on presentation skills specific to online presentations such as having eye contact with the camera and creating presentation slides that work online.

Absolutely. I don’t have a templated, one-size-fits all approach to public speaking coaching. I take on a very limited number of coaching clients at one time. Just tell me what time you can devote to speech preparation and I’ll make sure your time is spent well.

I take all major credit cards. When you book, I’ll send along an invoice which you can pay online.

Many of my clients have been successful expensing the cost of public speaking coaching to their professional development budgets. If you will be representing your company for this speech, it’s worth asking.

Yes, this package is appropriate both for people with public speaking experience who want to “level up” as well as for people who are new to public speaking. During our first meeting I’ll ask you about your experience and your goals and tailor my approach accordingly.

I do run public speaking workshops for organizations and groups, but what I’ve found is that when you have a big speaking opportunity coming up, group coaching isn’t sufficient—that’s why this service is structured as an individual, private coaching service.

Toastmasters follows a templated model, I don’t. There’s no “one right way” to write and deliver a successful speech. You need someone who is dedicated to your success and can engage with you on the level of ideas. Toastmasters has its place, but it’s not what you need when you’ve been invited to give a big and important speech or presentation.
Feel free to send me a note with your scheduled presentation date and I’ll tell you whether I’m available.

Did I miss your question?

If I did, drop an email to and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.

You don’t have to do this alone

Get Help Planning, Writing, and Delivering Your Speech


Give the keynote. Without the nerves.

Get your free copy of Speak Up. You’ll also get emails which will change how you think and feel about public speaking. Read them in 3 minutes or less.